UNEF and Olade sign agreement to encourage best practices exchange between Spain and LATAM

  • The agreement aims to jointly promote energy transition between Spain and LATAM, encouraging the training new professionals to promote a greater implementation of solar energy internationally.
  • The main lines of work include the creation of cooperation and innovation projects, fostering research programs and carrying out activities to disseminate and exchange experiences.
  • UNEF considers that these agreements are essential to improve the training of professionals and the retention of talent in order to make progress in achieving the energy transition.

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) and the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) have signed today a strategic agreement with the aim of promoting the energy transition between Spain and LATAM, encouraging the training of new professionals that promote a greater implementation of solar energy internationally.

This agreement opens a new paradigm of collaboration at the international level for the exchange of information and knowledge, including the implementation of academic activities to address one of the main challenges facing the solar energy sector, the recruitment and retention of sufficient talent to accelerate the completion of the energy transition.

“We at UNEF believe that this step is fundamental for the promotion of photovoltaic technology in Spain and Latin America through the development and implementation of cooperation and innovation projects or through research programs and activities for the dissemination and exchange of experiences,” said Rafael Benjumea, president of UNEF.

Benjumea also pointed out that the solar energy sector generated 89,644 direct and indirect jobs in Spain in 2021: ” In order to achieve the implementation of solar energy necessary to accomplish the energy transition in Spain, the need for professionals is going to multiply. Support between institutions is essential to enable us to address the academic and training needs of the sector to generate manpower and retain the best talent.”

Olade´s Executive Secretary Alfonso Blanco, noted that “the collaboration between Olade and UNEF will serve to support the achievement of deeper energy transitions in the region, which has a vast and untapped renewable energy potential.”


With this signature, both institutions have highlighted the need to work together on actions that enable the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals, SDG7: “Ensure access to affordable, safe, sustainable and modern energy” and SDG5: “Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” in both continents.

Main lines of action of the agreement

-Cooperation for the proposal, design and implementation of projects in the field of photovoltaics and innovation.

-Cooperation for the design, structuring and development of research programs, training and other related academic activities.

-Joint execution and exchange of studies, publications and research;

-Cooperation for the organization of seminars, workshops, events and other activities of mutual interest in the framework of technology dissemination and promotion; -Cooperation for the organization of seminars, workshops, events and other activities of mutual interest in the framework of technology diffusion and promotion

-Creation of scholarships and programs to improve the training of solar energy professionals in Spain and LATAM.

About UNEF

The Spanish Photovoltaic Union (UNEF) is the industry association for solar photovoltaic energy in Spain. Made up of more than 770 companies, entities and groups from the entire technology value chain, it represents more than 90% of the sector’s activity in Spain and brings together practically all of them: producers, installers, engineers, manufacturers of raw materials, modules and components, distributors and consultants. UNEF also holds the presidency and co-secretariat of FOTOPLAT, the Spanish photovoltaic technology platform. The platform brings together universities, research centers and leading companies in photovoltaic R&D in Spain.

About Olade

The Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) is a public intergovernmental organization for cooperation, coordination and technical advice, established on November 2, 1973 through the signing of the Lima Agreement, ratified by 27 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, with the fundamental objective of promoting the integration, conservation, rational use, marketing and defense of energy resources in the region.

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