OLADE participates in the IEA’s workshop on the region’s special report for the World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2023

The Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), through its Executive Secretary, Andrés Rebolledo, participated in the high-level workshop in preparation for the special report on the region for the International Energy Agency’s World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2023.

Latin America and the Caribbean urgently need to progress towards the energy transition, by increasing the production of renewable energies, universalizing access to energy and increasing energy efficiency, among other measures, according to authorities and experts at the workshop held on March 16 and 17 at the ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) headquarters in Santiago, Chile.

The meeting involved the participation of senior executives from the International Energy Agency (IEA), ministerial-level authorities from several countries in the region and experts from international, regional and multilateral organizations such as the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The session was inaugurated by ECLAC’s Executive Secretary, José Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, who pointed out that the energy transition is not only an alternative to support access, energy security and environmental sustainability, but also a driver of productive transformation and development style for the region.

OLADE’s Executive Secretary, Andrés Rebolledo, presented the organization’s strategic priorities and the outlook for energy transitions in the region.

The information, needs and opportunities presented during the workshop were gathered for inclusion in the special report, the  WEO-2023 Latin America Energy Outlook , which will be included in the next edition of the annual report prepared by the International Energy Agency.

Bilateral meetings

On this opportunity, OLADE’s Executive Secretary held several bilateral meetings with senior executives of international organizations such as: Mary Burce Warlick, Deputy Executive Director of the IEA; David Turk, Undersecretary of the US Department of Energy and Manuel Salazar-Xirinachs, Executive Secretary of ECLAC.

These meetings focused on strengthening and exploring new areas for future bilateral cooperation between specialized energy organizations.

Furthermore, the Executive Secretary, Andrés Rebolledo, was present at Session 3 on “People-centered clean energy transitions in Latin America: drivers, opportunities and challenges”, where the Minister of Energy of Chile, Diego Pardow, was a keynote speaker.

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