The Caribbean community now has an Energy Information System – sieCARICOM

The Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) celebrates the launching of a new Energy Information System. This time for the Caribbean Community: sieCARICOM. This announcement was made on the morning of March 21, during the Conference on Energy Statistics for CARICOM Member States, which took place in Bridgetown, Barbados.

This is a very useful platform for information systems for the region, using the knowledge of the Caribbean, CCREEE and Olade’s experience in energy information systems,” said Olade’s executive secretary, Alfonso Blanco, referring that today we can have a real breakthrough in the collaboration that exists between Olade and the Caribbean region.

He also emphasized: “Olade has standardized information systems for our entire region. We have a very important commitment to the region, which is to provide information for decision makers, the private sector and academia. With quality information we can have better planning for the energy sector.”

The Executive Secretary also thanked GIZ-TAPSEC for all its support during the development of this project.

Simon Zellner of the Technical Assistance Program for Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean (TAPSEC), pointed out that “information is the basis of the Caribbean region’s drive to create a future in which all its citizens have access to clean, modern and affordable energy services.”

Also in attendance on behalf of CARICOM institutions were Rodinald Soomer of the CDF and Gary Jackson of the CCREEE. Both heads of organization stressed the importance of the partnership, which is at the core of regional integration, and noted that this partnership is necessary to leave no one behind.

The Energy Information System for the Caribbean sieCARICOM is a joint effort between Olade, CARICOM and CCREEE, with financial support from TAPSEC – GIZ. 

For more information on sieCARICOM visit:

sieCARICOM launch video



The Caribbean Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (CCREEE) is a specialized institution of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Established within the framework of the Global Network of Regional Centers for Sustainable Energy (GN-SEC). CCREEE is the implementation center for sustainable energy activities and projects within the CARICOM region.

About CARICOM Energy

CARICOM Energy was tasked in 2008 by the Directorate of Trade and Economic Integration to coordinate the finalization of regional energy policy and provide strategic management for a programmatic approach to the region’s energy issues.

The Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy for Sustainable Energy (C-SERMS) was designed by CARICOM Energy to build on existing efforts in the region and provide CARICOM member states with a coherent strategy for the transition to sustainable energy. CARICOM Energy is managed by the CARICOM Secretariat, and its implementation is coordinated by the CCREEE.


The Technical Assistance Program for Sustainable Energy in the Caribbean (TAPSEC) supports the region’s transition to a low-carbon, sustainable and climate-resilient future. In collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat and the Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, TAPSEC leads the implementation of a portfolio of more than 80 projects of policy interventions, financial capacity building.

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