Honduras towards the construction of its National Energy Policy 2050

In a blended event, the members of the Energy Advisory Committee of Honduras met for the official delivery of the Roadmap to the Ministry of Energy of Honduras for the process of construction of the National Energy Policy 2050, on the morning of May 19 2021. This Roadmap was supported by the technical contingent of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade).

Olade, together with authorities from public and private institutions, international cooperation, academia and stakeholders related to the country’s energy sector, make up this Energy Advisory Committee in the country.

Creating spaces, closing gaps is the slogan that the document of the Energy Roadmap 2050 has as its motto, which will serve as an input for the construction of a public policy on energy matters at the national level in Honduras. This Roadmap includes various actions and goals that, in the pursuit of comprehensive energy development, must be achieved to guarantee a resilient, environmentally friendly, affordable and sustainable energy supply.

The Energy Secretary of Honduras, Roberto Ordoñez, pointed it out as a “milestone” the process of construction of the National Energy Policy 2050. “The advisory committee has reviewed all the elements of the roadmap and has verified the technical validity of these inputs and the results of the 14 thematic tables that were integrated to analyze the gaps in public policies identified by these tables have been addressed.”

He also commented that “a long-term vision has been defined on the goal that this Energy Policy intends to achieve by the year 2050. This process of preparing the Energy Policy was designed to carry out an exercise of broad citizen participation.”

“In the formulation of this policy, all the methodological guidelines that are established by the provisions of the General Government Coordination Secretariat for the formulation of public policies will be considered,” informed the Energy Secretary.

In addition, he stated that several challenges will be achieved, from achieving an electricity market that is competitive, transparent, open which generates employment opportunities and has a positive effect on the electricity rates paid by consumers.

In his speech, he also thanked Olade and all the agencies that have supported this process for their participation.

The Executive Secretary of Olade, Alfonso Blanco, who participated virtually in the event, mentioned that “this Roadmap is the work of all Hondurans and is an example for our entire region in the construction and coordination between the different State Agencies, with civil society, academia and the rest of the stakeholders that are involved in the energy sector. It is the construction of an energy policy based on a national dialogue.”

For the Executive Secretary of Olade, the democratic manifestation is of great importance. “We are building a national agenda for the energy sector, for which there is a process of consultation and incorporation of all visions at the national level.”

“From Olade we support and accompany the development of long-term public policies for our entire region, we celebrate and understand that it is the way to generate development models at the country level that have a long-term vision,” said the Executive Secretary in his intervention.

In addition, he stressed that “models are being built for the development of Honduras that integrate the energy sector as a fundamental part of the country’s development.”

At the end of his speech, he indicated that there is a clear purpose to work on fundamental aspects such as: energy security, the robustness of energy systems, the gradual process of decarbonization and care for the environment. “Aspects that must be taken as pillars for the construction of an energy agenda at the country level.”

The Vice Minister of Energy of Honduras, Leonardo Deras, who was also present at the event, said “the Roadmap represents the heart of the Energy Policy. We have taken a step forward and we hope that the next product will be a policy that will improve the living conditions of all our countrymen.”


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