Find the most relevant information on the energy sector of the Olade Member Countries in the Latin American and the Caribbean Energy Outlook 2019

The Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) makes available to the energy community the publication: Latin American and the Caribbean Energy Outlook 2019, which presents the most relevant information on the energy sector of the Organization’s Member Countries, as well as information added to subregional and regional level for Latin America and the Caribbean.

This publication shows time series charts, energy supply and demand data, installed capacity, power generation, economic, socioeconomic and environmental indicators and information, as well as Sankey diagrams of the energy matrix.

For the second consecutive year this document presents a comparative analysis of prospective studies conducted by different agencies for the 2017-2040 period; disaggregated for periods of 5 years, both globally, subregionally and regionally, whose results have been harmonized by Olade, through common variables that allow forecasting and comparing the analyzes of the future situation of the energy sector.

In the case of Latin America and the Caribbean, the document presents the projections made by Olade where he considers two scenarios (Current Policy Scenario -EPA- and the High Gasification Scenario -EGA-), using the “Model for Simulation and Analysis of the Energy Matrix (SAME) ”developed by Olade.

A chapter is also presented on the most relevant events of the energy sector in different areas and on “Legislation, regulation and energy policy” where the most recent changes in each country in this area are detailed.

From Olade we hope that the 2019 Energy Panorama constitutes a document that contributes to the knowledge of the energy sector and is a benchmark of energy information for the countries of the region.

Download the Spanish version of the Energy Panorama of Latin America and the Caribbean 2019 (low resolution) at the following link:

Users interested in deepening the analysis and working with statistical information, can register to our Energy Information System of Latin America and the Caribbean (sieLAC) whose access is free:

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