Vice Ministers of Energy Meet to Promote Electric Integration in South America

The Vice Ministers of Energy from the twelve South American nations met on May 10, 2024, at the headquarters of the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), within the framework of the Brasília Consensus (CB). This integration initiative aims to strengthen ties between neighboring countries and project South America’s voice on the global stage.

The countries that are part of the CB; Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela, gathered in Quito and committed to promoting cooperation and integration in various areas of the energy sector, with a special focus on the electricity market.

During this First Meeting of Vice Ministers of Energy, the countries discussed based on the South American Electric Interconnection Study prepared by OLADE. The representatives of the countries indicated their priorities, challenges, and opportunities regarding energy integration and the need to advance in regional planning. The importance of interconnection and regional integration was highlighted to ensure the flexibility and reliability of supply during the energy transition, as well as to manage the variability of renewable sources such as wind and solar energy.

Ambassador Constanza Figueroa, National Coordinator of Chile, the country holding the Pro Tempore Secretariat of the CB, emphasized the importance of advancing in the regional energy transition and strengthening South America’s capacity to attract investments in the clean energy sector.

Luis Felipe Andrés Ramón, Undersecretary of Energy of Chile, underlined the importance of the meeting to optimize the use of natural resources, diversify energy sources, and strengthen energy security.

OLADE’s Executive Secretary, Andrés Rebolledo, highlighted that “it is an honor for OLADE to be able to play the role of technical support in this process and that it is very significant that these first steps are in the energy area, where Latin America and the Caribbean have enormous potential in terms of complementarity.”

Additionally, on this occasion, a Dialogue of the Vice Ministers with representatives of the business sector was held to address the challenges and opportunities of electric integration in the region.

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