The Energy Transition and Digitalization of the Electricity Sector was discussed during the ABINEE TEC 2019 FORUM in Sao Paulo-Brazil

In the city of Sao Paulo-Brazil, from July 23 to 24, 2019, important activities related to the energy sector were carried out, such as; the IX CIERTEC – The Electric Sector and Disruptive Technologies of its Business Model; the ABINEE TEC FORUM 2019 and the 30th. International Fair of the Electrical, Electronic, Energy and Automation Industry – FIEE Smart Future. Events in which the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) participated through the Director of Integration, Access and Energy Security, Medardo Cadena, who presented the institutional vision on the different processes experienced by the energy sector in the region, highlighting the work that the Organization carries out and the contribution it represents for the region.

The Energy Transition and Digitalization of the Electricity Sector, was the topic presented by the Director of Integration, Access and Energy Security of Olade, Medardo Cadena, during the FORUM ABINEE TEC 2019, organized by the Brazilian Association of the Electrical and Electronic Industry (ABINEE ). Event developed within the framework of the IX CIERTEC by the Regional Energy Integration Commission CIER – chapter BRAZIL (BRACIER).

This presentation informed Olade’s vision of the energy transition processes that the region is experiencing, taking into account the realities of the countries and sub-regions qualified by the existence of energy resources, local capacities, energy policies, access to financing, etc. As well as the great challenges tending to meet the objectives of climate change.


Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations

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