The “Capacity Building in Energy Statistics and Implementation of a Regional Energy Information System for CARICOM’’ Project has been officially launched

On September 16, 2021, the kick-off meeting of the “Capacity Building in Energy Statistics and Implementation of a Regional Energy Information System for CARICOM’’ project was held virtually, and included the participation of OLADE, GIZ, CARICOM and CCREEE representatives.

The objective of this project is to enhance energy statistics planning and management capacity within CARICOM, and implement a regional energy information system for CARICOM. For this, a grant agreement has been signed between OLADE as the implementing agency and GIZ as the financing agency, as commissioned by the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and with funding provided by the European Union.

During the event, OLADE presented the team that is going to participate during the development of the project, the planned activities and the schedule for the next months until the closing date, which is set up for March 31, 2022. Also, discussions were held among the participants to determine the scope and timelines for the activities planned, and the next steps. From CARICOM, Mr. Devon Gardner indicated that he is pleased to start with the implementation of this project, and the importance of the benefits that this endeavor will bring to the CARICOM Secretariat.

This project seeks to support CARICOM Institutions & Member States in capacity building in Energy Balance Methodology & Energy Planning, along with the implementation of a Regional Energy System for CARICOM, based on the experience of OLADE in the implementation of National Energy Information Systems in the Caribbean region.


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