Olade has just released the document: Evaluation of the electricity generation system in Belize and its investment alternatives

The Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) has just released the document: Evaluation of the electricity generation system in Belize and its investment alternatives. The main focus of this publication is to carry out a detailed analysis of the current state of power generation in Belize and consider the investment options to propose a Generation Expansion Plan 2020-2035. This, based on the available energy resources and the viability of the new ones technologies used in the generation of conventional and distributed electricity.

To develop a generation expansion plan for Belize, a baseline scenario was designed and the Electric Power Systems Simulation (SimSEE) model was used. The technologies that are used as “standard building blocks” for the Generation Expansion Plan, are based on proven and cutting-edge solutions, such as photovoltaic solar panels, conventional wind turbines and thermal backups, which use fuels already available in Belize as : alternative internal combustion engines and piston engines, which work with heavy fuel oil, diesel or gas turbines in open cycle configurations.

This document also shows examples of calculations to evaluate the variable cost of fuel generation, based on the price of the fuel and the heat rate. Additionally, it is explained that in order to analyze the possibilities of financing an expansion plan, it is necessary to differentiate between the power generation projects that will be carried out through Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) and the expansion and improvement of the transmission and distribution network.


Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations


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