OLADE and GEIDCO signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement

Within the framework of the Global Energy Interconnection Forum which took place on September 26, 2017, in Beijing, OLADE and the Global Energy Interconnection for the Development and Cooperation Organization (GEIDCO), signed an agreement of understanding establishing the basis for inter-institutional cooperation. This agreement was made with the aim of promoting political-financial dialogue, exchanging of knowledge, capacity building, undertaking training programs and conducting joint studies. “The GEI initiative will become the new engine of economic growth; it will promote the development of clean energy and will optimize global energy allocation,” said Liu Zhenya, GEIDCO Executive Director, during the event.

Andrés Schuschny, Director of Studies, Projects, and Information of OLADE and Juan José Carrasco, CIER Executive Secretary, represented Latin America and participated in the ceremony of formalization of cooperation agreements.

GEI is a globally interconnected intelligent network with ultra-powerful voltage networks as its backbone across national boundaries. It serves as an infrastructure platform to develop, transmit and consume clean energy on a massive scale around the world.

During the meeting, it was also celebrated the second anniversary of GEIDCO. The meeting was attended by officers from the China’s energy sector, including Shu Yinbiao, Director of the China State Interconnection Network, Liu Zhenya, GEIDCO Executive Director, Yang Kun Egypt’s Electricity and Renewable Energy Minister, Tomas Kaberger of the Institute for Renewable Energy, Michael Sterling, Director of Subgroup on Energy of the Council of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Saifur Rahman, President-elect of the IEEE Energy Society. It is also noteworthy the presence of the ambassadors of Argentina and Chile in the People’s Republic of

China and Rodrigo Costa, Executive Director of Energy Networks Nations of the Federative State of Brazil.

Source: www.chinadaily.com.cn

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