Olade seeks to increase the quality and optimize the dissemination of energy information in the region

Within the framework of the Program for Strengthening the Management and Dissemination of Energy Information for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, which Olade is developing with the IDB’s financial support, an Olade team comprised of Marco Yujato, technical specialist, and consultant David Delgado, visited the International Energy Agency (IEA) in Paris, France, on February 25 and 28, 2019.

During this technical visit, the Olade team attended the workshop on the methodological harmonization of energy balances, where they discussed with the IEA specialists the concepts managed by Olade for the preparation of energy balances.

The best options were also analyzed to achieve a harmonization with the International Recommendations for Energy Statistics (IRES) methodology, considering very important flows for Latin America and the Caribbean, such as the natural gas, oil and derivatives, coal, electricity and renewable energies, among others.

Likewise, the methodologies currently used for collecting and disseminating the energy prices of the two organizations (Olade-IEA) were studied.

The delegation of Olade took the opportunity to hold meetings with international experts to discuss the process of methodological harmonization of the region’s energy balances, with the standards handled worldwide.

Through the process of methodological harmonization, Olade seeks to increase the quality and optimize the dissemination of energy information in the region, promoting the availability of harmonized energy statistics, with international standards, facilitating comparability with other countries in the world. In such a way that the management of data of the sector, becomes one of the pillars to promote the sustainable and inclusive development of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations


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