Olade receives certificate of recognition for its support and contribution to the Argentine Presidency of the G20

Olade receives a certificate of recognition for its support and contribution to the Argentine Presidency of the G20 within the framework of the agenda that was developed in Bariloche, Argentina, on June 13 and 14.

Through its Executive Secretary, Alfonso Blanco, Olade contributed and technically supported the Argentine Presidency of the G20 in the joint elaboration with the IDB of the document “Energy Access and Afordability”, which was presented at the meeting of the Energy Transitions working group.

This two-day meeting, which was the prelude to the meeting of energy ministers, was attended by senior officials from member countries and international organizations working on issues such as energy transitions; access to energy in Latin America and the Caribbean; transparency of information in the sector; and the gradual reduction of inefficient subsidies.

Olade’s Executive Secretary also participated in the panel “Enabling Policy Frameworks – Managing Resilient and Robust Transition”, during the World Energy Conference Leader´s World Energy Council (WEC) Summit.

Energy Transitions Working Group

The G20 Energy Transitions Working Group, in which Olade participated, is a forum that represents more than 77% of energy consumption and more than 80% of renewable energy capacity globally.

This space proposes to discuss public policies that promote transitions towards more flexible, transparent and clean energy systems. The objectives are diverse, ranging from diversifying the economy and underpinning energy security to improving air quality and mitigating climate change. Source: https://g20.org/es

Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations


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