Olade initiates dialogue with cooperation agencies of Spain and France to promote the sustainable energy development of LAC

The Executive Secretary of Olade, Alfonso Blanco, as part of an Official Mission held from February 18 to 22, 2019, held meetings with representatives of cooperation agencies of France and Spain, with the aim of generating actions for the benefit of the region. In these meetings, the Executive Secretary took the opportunity to share Olade’s new regulations regarding the incorporation of Permanent Observers or Non-Full Members to the Organization.

On the morning of Monday, February 18, the Executive Secretary of Olade, met with Spain’s Secretary of State of Energy, José Domínguez Abascal and his group of advisors; at this meeting, a line of dialogue was initiated to work jointly with the Institute for Energy Diversification and Savings (IDAE) and the Government of Spain on energy issues of interest to Latin America and the Caribbean, focusing on the development of sustainable energy. Later he had a meeting with the IDAE Executive Director, Joan Herrera.

In the city of Madrid, the Executive Secretary of Olade, had coordination meetings with the Deputy Executive Director of the International Energy Agency, Paul Simons, meeting that started the dialogue for joint work with the French Agency for Development (AFD).

Additionally, potential lines of work were established between Olade and UN Environment, in meetings held with this United Nations’ body. Likewise, meetings were held with the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID).

These actions of approach with cooperation agencies have the purpose of defining a road map, which allows to continue deepening the relationship between Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe, with perspective of accompaniment, technical assistance and potential funding to assist the needs of Olade’s Member Countries.

Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations


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