Within the framework of the implementation of the Energy Information System for Brazil (SIE Brazil) that Olade is developing with the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME) of the country, next Thursday, February 21, 2019, in the MME auditorium, the workshop to present the System’s functionalities will be held; training that will be attended by a delegation of technical specialists from Olade.
This system, implemented thanks to the financial support of the Development Bank of Latin America (CAF), will have a dynamic computer tool that will store, process and systematize the country’s energy information, which will guarantee the supply, quality and deployment of Energy data with easy access and publication.
From February 18 to 22, Olade’s team of technical specialists will provide training to MME officials on the management, configuration, administration and maintenance of the System. They will also socialize the project with the main information providers of the Brazilian energy sector.
At the end of this training, participants will be able to manage, parameterize variables, update data, build reports and perform dynamic consultations in SIE Brazil.
Through this activity the MME will have the necessary conditions so that it can manage the System autonomously.
The workshop that will be held on Thursday, February 21, 2019, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and will be open to the general public. For those interested in participating, must send their name and surname, position, name of the company they represent, email and telephone to the following email address: die@mme.gov.br
Energy Information System for Brazil (SIE Brazil)
The SIE Brazil is a computer platform, in the process of being implemented by the Secretariat of Energy Planning and Development (SPE), which will structure and systematize Brazil’s energy statistics, covering statistics at the national, state and municipal levels, as well as allowing the comparison of indicators. The implementation of the System is developed through 12 phases.
This project constitutes a successful experience which can be replicated to other countries in the region.
Benefits of SIE Brazi
-It will optimize and facilitate the supply of information to the information providers.
-The platform is dynamic and configurable at the level of incorporation of new energy sources, flows, issues and variables.
-Information integrated and centralized in the same platform.
-Administration of securities at various levels such as: time, geographical area, users and subjects.
-The publication of the information will be classified, standarized and timely.
-Easy information entry and consultation access.
-Strengthening capacities in information management and administration through the transfer of knowledge (training) and exchange of experiences.
Department of Communication
and Institutional Relations