Olade and IRENA work in a coordinated and synergistic manner to reactivate regional economies through renewable energies

The virtual Seminar, organized between the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) and the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), on the energy transformation of Latin America: Renewable energy and economic recovery, highlighted the general vision of the results of the energy scenarios and the socioeconomic structure, highlighting the relevance of economic development through job creation by means of the renewable energy sector.

For the Executive Secretary of Olade, Alfonso Blanco, there is a need to increase a great part of the investment at the regional level to reactivate the economy. “In this regard, between Olade and IRENA we have to start working on the necessary strategies to reactivate regional economies, in which the energy sector is an engine for this economic recovery, as it has the potential in terms of energy resources.”

In addition, he added that there is a favorable scenario for renewable energies to somehow manage to capture investment at the sector level. “Through renewable energies we can reactivate economies, create jobs, knowledge and develop many industries that our countries have not yet started. We are facing an adverse scenario but one that also presents us with opportunities ”.

 In his speech, the Executive Secretary of Olade also reported that the region has 25% renewable energy in its energy matrix, but that there is still much to do. Additionally, he explained that our energy demand is growing faster than the incorporation of renewable energies throughout the region.

As a relevant point, he highlighted that through integration, the development of renewable energies in the region can be boosted, given that there are countries that have seasonal surpluses and have the capacity to export them to their neighboring countries and in this way build much more robust energy systems.

At the end of his speech, the Executive Secretary of Olade, Alfonso Blanco, mentioned that this space with IRENA is a reflection of a very strong agreement that is being jointly built to accelerate energy transitions in Latin America and the Caribbean, an aspect that he highlighted as an example of how international agencies must work in a coordinated and synergistic manner.

The Deputy Director General of IRENA, Gauri Singh, referred to the Outlook document on renewable energies made available by the Agency, which presents information on the development of renewable energies. Likewise, he commented on how various regions in the world have placed renewable energies at the center of the economic recovery from the COVID 19 pandemic.

Fiona Clouder, United Kingdom COP26 Ambassador for Latin America and the Caribbean, indicated that a package of measures must be negotiated to comply with the Paris Agreement and seek an economy with a zero carbon footprint. She emphasized that support is required for countries to incorporate climate change into their infrastructure programs for sustainable development and commitment to protecting the ecosystem.


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