Learn about the energy scenarios by 2030 for the SICA Member Countries in a report prepared by Olade and ECLAC

This report sets out energy scenarios by 2030 for the Member Countries of the Central American Integration System (SICA), taking 2015 as the base year. Aspects considered include: characterization of energy matrices, energy potential, construction of energy scenarios, modeling tool and methodology, energy forecast, demand projection, energy subsectors, supply projection and projection of carbon dioxide emissions.

The construction and evaluation of energy scenarios by 2030 was prepared by professionals and technicians from the ministries and offices responsible for the energy sector of the SICA countries with the support of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Organization Latin American Energy (OLADE).

The scenarios were constructed from the national energy development plans, using the methodology known as Simulation and Analysis of the Energy Matrix (SAME), developed by Olade.

Download the document: https://bit.ly/32rOHGA




Department of Communication 

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