Journalists from 11 Olade Member Countries participated in the face-to-face module of the Executive Program on Sustainable and Inclusive Energy

Journalists from 11 Member Countries of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) participated, on the week of November 14-18, 2019, in the face-to-face module of the Executive Program on Sustainable and Inclusive Energy for journalists from Latin America and the Caribbean; activity organized jointly between Olade and Hivos with the support of the Ministry of Energy and Mines of the Dominican Republic, training that was attended by 22 journalists. Together with this Executive Program, there is a total of three that have been executed by Olade this year.

“The role of the communicators is fundamental, that is why we have designed this program to reach the audience interested in knowing the new practices of the projects and the lessons learned in the region” said the Olade’s Executive Secretary, Alfonso Blanco, during the closing ceremony, who also participated in the discussion on the state of integration and projections in Latin America.

“The energy transition can only be achieved with the commitment of governments, civil society, international organizations and the support of journalists,” added the Executive Secretary.

For his part, the Director of Renewable Energy of the Ministry of Energy and Mines, Oscar de la Maza, said that “it is a positive opportunity to work with Olade and Hivos on issues in the energy sector, since it is the engine to achieve the development of our countries ”

On behalf of Hivos, the Incidence Officer in Latin America, Alexandra Arias, was present, who expressed the satisfaction of the Agency in supporting, training and bringing journalists from across the region to the issue of access, energy and production, based on renewable sources

The discussion on the state of integration and projections in Latin America was made up of Olade Executive Secretary Alfonso Blanco; Andrés Rebolledo and Luis Custodio, a space where the participating journalists were able to maintain a direct dialogue with the panel and discuss the situation of the energy sector in their countries and generate research proposals on access to energy in Latin America and the Caribbean.

“In this energy transition, communicators and journalists are important allies to publicize good practices and show the direct relationship of energy with climate change,” Luis Custodio.

“There are several energy transitions. Each country does so with its restrictions and its resources. It is not the same to decarbonize Uruguay or Chile, they have different economic, social and environmental challenges”, Andrés Rebolledo.

Energy transition, renewable energies, the role of institutions, geopolitics and energy security, are some of the relevant issues discussed during the training, which were the basis for developing the final work and expose it to the group of participants.

One of the objectives of this program was to raise awareness and sensitize journalists in Latin America on issues of good practices and actions that contribute to the development of renewable energies in the region and prepare a knowledge framework that allows participants to correctly transmit messages about access, renewable energies, the effect of climate change on the region’s energy sector and social conflict with respect to energy in the different territories, among others.

Journalists from 11 Olade Member Countries

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and Venezuela.



Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations

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