It is a pleasure to address you to extend the cordial invitation to the most important event of the Latin American Energy Organization (Olade), the Energy Week of Latin America and the Caribbean, which this year is co-organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru and Olade.

This year marks the fourth edition of this meeting that has filled us with pride and satisfaction, since we have received great acceptance in previous years with the participation of more than 700 attendees and 56 participating companies. Results that motivate us and commit us more and more to carry out this type of event for the benefit of our region.

This meeting has been characterized for being a space for the exchange of experiences and knowledge of the energy sector, through political and strategic dialogue and the identification of business opportunities.

This event will count with the presence of high authorities of the sector and representatives of the governments of the 27 Member Countries of Olade.

On this occasion, the IV Energy Week, which will take place from November 11 to 14, 2019 in Lima-Peru, at the LCC Convention Center, is held within the framework of the World Exhibition of Renewable Energies (Sun World 2019) , organized by the Ministry of Energy and Mines of Peru and the International Solar Alliance. Event that will allow contrasting the progress of the insertion of renewable energy and its implementation in the Latin American region.

The IV Energy Week is made up of the following events:

-LIII Council of Experts

– Energy Statistics Workshop

– Access to Energy Workshop

– Energy Efficiency Seminar

– XLIX Meeting of Ministers

The Sun World 2019 event will have 5 thematic axes: energy policy; fiscal and regulatory policy; technological innovation; solar and renewable energy; and investment and financing.

To learn more and register for the Energy Week and Sun World activities, we invite you to visit the following web portals:

It will be a pleasure to meet in Lima-Peru and jointly be able to contribute to the energy sector becoming one of the engines of development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Greetings from Quito, Ecuador.

Alfonso Blanco

Executive Secretary of OLADE 

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