Progress and Perspectives in Electromobility: Towards a Sustainable Future in Latin America and the World


Progress and Perspectives in Electromobility: Towards a Sustainable Future in Latin America and the World

The electrification of mobility has become an undisputed driver of change around the world, transforming the way we travel and opening a path towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly future. Progress and challenges that electromobility has experienced both globally and in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have been more than just trends and have established themselves as an essential pillar in the construction of a cleaner and more efficient world.

In 2022, more than 10 million vehicles were sold globally, with an impressive increase in the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). With a 14% share of total sales, EVs outperformed 2021 (9%) and 2020 (less than 5%) sales. Optimistic projections indicate that by 2026 there will already be 26.6 million electric cars, further consolidating their presence on our roads.

The main players in this revolution are China, Europe and the United States, with China leading the way with more than 50% of electric vehicles on the road. In Europe, more than 15% of cars sold in 2022 were electric, and in the United States, the increase was even more remarkable, with a 55% increase in EV sales and an 8% market share. This global landscape reflects a structural change in the automotive industry, which is heading towards more sustainable mobility.

In LAC, although still in a more moderate growth stage, electromobility is also making headway. In 2022, there were 5,596 public charging stations in the region, mainly concentrated in Mexico and Brazil. Despite its 0.2% contribution in the global installation of charging stations, LAC is demonstrating a growing interest in adopting this technology.

However, the road to a more electrified fleet is not without its challenges. Charging infrastructure and efficient management of the power grid stand as crucial elements in ensuring the success of large-scale electromobility. In addition, strategic planning and cooperation between sectors and countries are essential to ensure a future of efficient mobility and a reduced carbon footprint.

Electromobility is not simply a passing fad, but a profound transformation in the way we conceive and use transport. Sales increases, installation of charging points and contribution to emission reductions are just the beginning. LAC and the world have the opportunity to trace a joint path towards more sustainable mobility, in harmony with the environment and with an eye to a future of responsible and equitable growth.

OLADE reinforces its commitment to support initiatives that promote electromobility, which is why this coming September 6, 2023, OLADE will host the event “Andean Route”, a joint work with the Latin American Association for Sustainable Mobility (ALAMOS) and organizations from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru, which seeks to promote sustainable mobility in the three Andean countries. At the same time and during the journey of the electric vehicles through the city of Quito, a forum will be held to address various aspects related to electric mobility in Ecuador, and an electric vehicle fair will be held at OLADE’s facilities.

Andrés Rebolledo

Executive Secretary

Latin American Energy Organization – Olade

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