The Executive Secretary of Olade Alfonso Blanco presented the new Regional Energy Panorama during the South America Energy Series- Colombia 2019

In the framework of the event “South America Energy Series, Colombia 2019”, held in Bogotá on June 20 and 21, 2019, aimed at the treatment of issues related to Natural Gas and Renewable Energies, the Executive Secretary of the Latin American Energy Organization ( Olade), Alfonso Blanco, moderated the panel of public leaders on the Perspective of the energy market in South America.

The discussion table started with the premise that South America is a region that is emerging rapidly in the development of renewable energy, with great potential for the development of solar, wind and biomass. Existing projections and proven reserves also point to a new paradigm in the gas markets of South America, elements that will impact the reconfiguration of the region’s energy matrix.

Additionally, the Executive Secretary of Olade, Alfonso Blanco, presented the new Regional Energy Outlook, highlighting the evolution of the energy matrixes of the Latin American and Caribbean countries and the regional prospective to 2040. In his speech, he emphasized that one must not talk about the “energy transition” as a single pre-established path to achieve the goals of developing low-carbon economies. “There are many paths that depend on the reality and conditions of the countries,” he said.

Within the framework of this event, the Executive Secretary of Olade, held meetings with the Deputy Minister of Energy of Colombia, Diego Mesa Puyo; and the Vice Minister of Hydrocarbons of Ecuador, Juan Carlos Bermeo, with whom he discussed topics of common interest to the region’s energy reality.

Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations

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