Olade makes available, to the community of the energy sector, the English version of the “Energy Outlook of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018”

The Latin American Energy Organization (Olade) makes available, to the energy sector, the English version of the “Energy Outlook of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018”. It is a document that presents the most relevant information that characterizes the energy sector of the Member Countries of Olade and aggregated information for Latin America and the Caribbean.

This publication shows, graphically, time series, supply demand data, installed capacity, electricity generation, indicators and economic and socioeconomic information; as well as the Sankey diagrams of the energy matrix. These are some of the examples cited.

Likewise, for the first time, this document presents a comparative analysis of the different prospective studies carried out by different organizations for the 2016-2040 period, at global, subregional and regional levels. The results of these studies have been homologated by Olade through the use of common variables, which allow forecasting the future situation of the energy sector.

A chapter is also presented on the most relevant events in the energy sector, in different areas and subsectors. Another chapter explains on “Legislation, regulation and energy policy” in which the most recent changes in each country in this area are detailed.

The objective of Olade through this document is to contribute to the knowledge of the energy sector and to become a reference for energy information of the countries of the region, as well as a tool to deepen the analysis and work with statistical information.

Download the free version of the document at the following links:

http://bit.ly/Panorama2k18 Panorama Energético de América Latina y el Caribe 2018 (Spanish version)

http://bit.ly/Outlook2k18 Energy Outlook of Latin America and the Caribbean 2018 (English version)

We invite the energy sector community to register to our Energy Information System of Latin America and the Caribbean (sieLAC) whose access is free, by visiting the website: http://sielac.olade.org

Department of Communication 

and Institutional Relations


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