OLADE highlights the potential of nuclear energy in Latin America and the Caribbean at the IAEA Ministerial Conference 2024

Guido Maiulini, Head of Strategic Advisory at the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE), participated in the panel “Mitigating Climate Change: Together for a Sustainable Planet”, held as part of the 2024 Ministerial Conference on Science, Technology, and Nuclear Applications of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). During his remarks, Maiulini emphasized the strategic role nuclear energy can play in diversifying and decarbonizing the energy matrix of Latin America and the Caribbean.

In his speech, Maiulini highlighted that the region has one of the cleanest energy matrices globally, with 65% of its electricity generation coming from renewable sources. However, he pointed out that nuclear energy currently contributes less than 1% to the region’s electricity generation, demonstrating its significant untapped potential.

According to IAEA projections, nuclear generation capacity in Latin America could quadruple by 2050 in a favorable scenario. This growth would allow the region to advance in diversifying its energy matrix, enhancing its resilience, and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels.

Maiulini also stressed that the widespread adoption of small modular reactors (SMRs) could be key to overcoming current barriers, such as high implementation costs. “The widespread deployment of small modular reactors has the potential to make nuclear energy an economically viable and environmentally sustainable option for our region,” he emphasized.

This panel showcased OLADE’s commitment to energy transition and the integration of innovative technologies that can support the sustainable development of Latin America and the Caribbean, solidifying its leadership in the global climate agenda.

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