December 2024
OLADE: Balance 2024

Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing a crucial moment in their energy history, marked by significant transformations, the adoption of renewable energies, and the development of new technologies, while simultaneously facing significant challenges such as climate change, energy inequality, and the need for strategic investments.

In this context, OLADE has been supporting the region’s energy agenda in areas such as energy security, gender equity, decarbonization, and regional integration, establishing itself as a key actor in articulating efforts toward a sustainable energy future. Below, we present some important activities and achievements during the year 2024:

  1. Regional Energy Integration
  • Electrical Grids: OLADE promotes and supports projects like SIEPAC, SIESUR, and SINEA, strengthening interconnections between countries.
  • Natural Gas: Studies proposing routes to integrate gas systems within Mercosur, highlighting natural gas as a transition fuel.
  • Brasilia Consensus: An integration initiative adopted by 12 South American countries aimed at strengthening ties among neighboring nations in South America to promote cooperation and project South America’s voice on the global stage. Two meetings of Energy Vice Ministers were held.
  • Energy Ministers’ Meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC).
  • Progress on a Continental Electric Integration Plan in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  1. Energy Transition and Emission Reductions
  • Clean Hydrogen: The implementation of the CertHiLAC certification system brings together 12 countries to develop clean hydrogen, fostering a favorable regulatory environment and attracting investment.
  • Renewable Energy: The RELAC initiative expanded its goals to 80% renewable production and 73% installed capacity by 2030.
  • Methane Emissions: The launch of the Methane Emissions Observatory (OEMLAC) seeks to significantly reduce the climate impact of methane in key sectors, with gap analysis reports for the region.
  1. Innovation and Training
  • Training Programs: Over 4,800 participants in 20 training courses on topics such as electromobility, biofuels, and gender in energy.
  • Master’s and Diploma Programs: A Master’s in Energy Transitions with the University of Rosario and a Diploma in Energy Diplomacy with the University of Chile strengthen technical expertise in energy.
  • Youth Academy for Energy Transitions in LAC: A joint program between the Institute of International Studies of the University of Chile and the NGO UNO.CINCO, designed to train 3,000 young people in energy transition and climate policy topics.
  1. Inclusion and Gender Perspective
  • Energy Equity: Creation of OLADE’s Gender Commission and specific programs for women leaders in energy.
  • Gender Indicators: Implementation of metrics to monitor legislative and regulatory advancements in energy equity.
  1. Thematic Studies
  • Critical Minerals: Publication on the relevance of these minerals for the energy transition.
  • Climate Change: Study on climate risks for energy infrastructure.
  • Energy Inflation Indicator: Tool to monitor energy prices and their impact on consumer price indexes (CPI).
  • Monthly Technical Notes: Launch of a series with a document on electromobility in LAC, highlighting progress and challenges in sustainable transportation.
  • 2024 Energy Outlook: Annual summary of updated energy data for the 27 member countries, with key indicators such as renewability and emissions.
  1. Advances in Regional Policies and Joint Declarations with Member Countries
  • “No More Coal-fired Power Plants” Declaration: Regional commitment to avoid building new coal plants for electricity generation.
  • Energy Efficiency Target: Annual improvement of 1.3% in energy intensity by 2030.
  • National Energy Planning Council: This Council will coordinate regional energy policies, fostering dialogue and agreements between ministries responsible for energy planning. Its goal is to accelerate energy transitions through the exchange of information and best practices, with technical support from ECLAC.
  • Business Council: Two meetings held. This forum aims to promote dialogue within the regional energy industry, strengthening the link between OLADE, the private sector, and public-sector decision-makers through exchange and cooperation. A key instrument to attract the investment the region needs.

The full 2024 OLADE activity report can be reviewed at the following link:

Andrés Rebolledo Smitmans – Executive Secretary
Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE)

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