Incidence of climate change in energy planning: Screening for global assessment of vulnerability and climate risks of the energy system in Latin America and the Caribbean (Screen-ALC)


Increase the resilience of the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean to climate change, through an analysis of the risks and vulnerability of infrastructure and the determination of the changes that must be implemented in the planning and operation of systems.

Beneficiary countries

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.

Multilateral support

Technical assistance:

Outstanding results

-The public entities responsible for managing the energy system in the countries involved know the potential impacts of the climate on the Latin American energy system.

-The public entities responsible for managing the energy system in the countries involved know the elements of the energy system most vulnerable to climate change.

– The public entities responsible for managing the energy system in the countries involved have information for the development of an action plan to adapt the planning and operation of the systems.

-Improvement of the technical capacities of governments for the introduction of adaptation to climate change in the planning and operation of energy systems.

Final products

    • Final study report. (pendiente enviarte)
    • Georeferenced map of the risk level of the energy infrastructure to climatic events for the analyzed countries.
    • Virtual training workshops on study methodology and results.

– Leaflet

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